Sobre mim


o que talvez lhe interesse saber


Alexandra Barreto


Transformative Coach (or Supercoach)

interesses e actividades:

Ser Mãe, ler, viajar, conversas com significado, desenvolvimento pessoal, decoração, artesanato.

livros favoritos:

Oscar e a Senhora Côr-de-Rosa – Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

Awareness – Anthony de Mello

The Inside-Out Revolution – Michael Neill

A última aula – Randy Pausch

sobre o que mais gosto de aprender:

*Desenvolvimento pessoal: Michael Neill, Steve Chandler, Robin Sharma, Robert Holden, Greg Baer, Augusto Cury, Byron Katie, Anthony de Mello, Paul Mckenna, Ali Campbell, M.J.Ryan, Sidney Banks, Neil Donald Walsh

*Decoração de Interiores e Pintura

filmes que me inspiraram:

Forrest Gump

Perfume de Mulher

Cinema Paraíso

A Vida é Bela

Favores em Cadeia

What the Bleep do We Know

viagens memoráveis:

Nova York – sempre!

Moçambique, Congo Brazzaville, África do Sul

Polynesia Francesa, Seychelles, Bahamas, Ilhas Virgens, Martinique, Ilhas Gregas

Vietname, Cambodja, Laos, China

Argentina, Uruguay, Brasil

Lisboa, Amsterdão, Roma, Florença, Veneza, Paris, Nice, Londres, Madrid, Barcelona

canções que alegram o meu dia:

Aquarela – Toquinho

Sailing – Christopher Cross

Tears in Heaven – Eric Clapton

Somewhere over the rainbow – Victoria Vox

I will always love you – Whitney Houston

lema pessoal:

Eu consigo fazer qualquer coisa que meta na cabeça!

o que mais acredito:

Nada acontece por acaso…

um pequeno enquadramento

Hoje sou Advanced Transformative Coach certificada pela Supercoach Academy nos Estados Unidos. E trabalho como Coach e Consultora de Recursos Humanos.

Mas, por incrível que pareça, venho de uma carreira de mais de 23 anos na Banca!

Nasci e cresci na maravilhosa Ilha da Madeira, bem no meio do Oceano Atlântico. Uma sortuda! Um sítio lindo, um tempo fantástico, pessoas simpáticas… Mas não suficientemente grande para os meus sonhos.

Por isso, quando chegou a altura, fui para Lisboa para a universidade onde tirei o curso de Economia e comecei a trabalhar na Banca. Por causa do meu trabalho, vivi muitos anos em Lisboa, mudei-me para a Holanda e mais tarde para Moçambique. Todas experiências maravilhosas e incríveis oportunidades de aprendizagem. Adorei! Excepto que, pela minha carreira, acabei por pagar um alto custo pessoal. Quase me perdi pelo caminho…

Felizmente, a vida tem a sua própria maneira de nos oferecer segundas oportunidades e, como que por magia, quando tudo me parecia escuridão, tocou o meu despertador!

E, de repente, tudo começou a fazer sentido. As circunstâncias à minha volta eram exactamente as mesmas que me tinham levado a um estado de depressão, mas eu comecei a olhar para o meu copo meio cheio e não vazio como antes. Encontrei o meu propósito na vida, a minha missão, a minha paixão, a minha alegria. E assim desenterrei-me a mim.

Afinal, bastou-me apenas um olhar profundo para dentro de mim mesma, porque tudo o que eu tanto precisava (verdade, felicidade, paz) já lá estava, só tinha que o encontrar, agarrar e transformar em AMOR.


porquê o coaching?

Quando se passa por uma experiência de mudança de vida tão profunda como foi a minha, é impossível guardá-la só para si. Tem que se passar palavra.

Sente-se que se pode mudar o mundo!

Tudo fez perfeito sentido quando me apercebi da interligação entre os meus maiores valores, as minhas motivações e as minhas capacidades. E como se não bastasse… surgiu-me a oportunidade de aprender com os melhores dos melhores no mundo do Coaching! O deleite foi inconfundível quando percebi a magia de tudo isto e quando experimentei ser efectivamente dona da minha vida.

E porque acredito realmente que tudo está já dentro de cada um, quero estar lá, para todos os que quiserem empreender esta viagem maravilhosa de auto-descoberta e que eu possa de alguma forma ajudar.

Esta é, acredito, a minha missão.

o que as pessoas dizem de mim

Dear Alex!

Whatever you perceive to be good and of use in others is within you! You are strong and loving, courageous and kind beyond measure! Keep nurturing all that is good and wonderful!

You are loved absolutely and unconditionally!

With all my love and gratitude for your presence in my life!


Bill Cumming


It has been a privilege to get to know Alexandra Barreto.

She was in the world’s first ever Supercoach Academy and I’ve watched her grow and really transform as a coach. As a member of The Confident Woman’s Salon I’ve witnessed her reclaiming her power in the world.

Alex is an incredibly powerful woman. She has been a role model and a trailblazer for women in the world of finance and is now beginning something very similar in the world of coaching.

Her clients are fortunate to have her as their coach.

Rich Litvin

Founder of the Confident Woman’s Salon

Author of the forthcoming book: Secrets of the World’s Most Confident People


I’ve been a client of Alexandra’s for about 4 months and her work with me has been amazing.  One of the things that I do is that I’m very hard on myself…very.  Alexandra is wonderfully gentle, considerate, patient and loving and is just phenomenal at guiding you to see things from a positive and appreciative perspective.  Her work has been invaluable for me and many of the strategies we’ve talked about I use every day.  As I work in a similar industry, I’m fully aware of the value of having a trained professional to guide you along your life’s path and show you a few fun shortcuts when you think you’ve got bogged down with everything. If positive change is what you really want that you can apply to all areas of  your life, contact Alexandra.  She’s delightful, you won’t be disappointed and your life will be so much richer as a result.

Vivienne Barclay – UK


“Podes dizer-me, por favor, que caminho devo seguir para sair daqui? – perguntou Alice
Isso depende muito de para onde queres ir – respondeu o gato.
Preocupa-me pouco aonde ir – disse Alice.
Nesse caso, pouco importa o caminho que sigas – replicou o gato.”

em Alice no País das Maravilhas

Eu era um bocadinho como a Alice, antes de ter começado a trabalhar com a Alexandra. Mas assim que comecei a tomar mais consciência, quando percebi que sou responsável pela forma como reajo aos meus pensamentos e que a minha qualidade de vida depende disso, um novo caminho se abriu para mim. Consegui esvaziar a minha cabeça dos pensamentos “menos bons”, abri espaço para a minha criatividade e isso está claramente a reflectir-se na produção artística que estou a desenvolver neste momento.

Dar à minha vida um profundo sentido de propósito e saber para onde vou, foram duas das minhas mais importantes conquistas durante o meu programa de coaching com a Alexandra. Obrigada!

Luísa Spínola – PT

o meu círculo de génios

Eu não seria o que sou hoje sem a minha fantástica família e algumas pessoas muito especiais que tive a sorte de ter como professores e que serão, para sempre, os meus mentores.


Robin Sharma


Robin Sharma is a leadership expert and #1 bestselling author. Sharma has written 11 international bestselling books and is ranked #2 in an independent ranking of leadership gurus by His best known books include “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” and “The Greatness Guide”. His latest book is “The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable On Real Success in Business and in Life” (Simon & Schuster).

Sharma holds two law degrees, including a Master of Laws from Dalhousie Univeristy [1], and has had a distinguished career as a litigation lawyer. He is the founder of Sharma Leadership International Inc., a global training firm whose clients include many of the FORTUNE 500 such as GE, Nike, FedEx, NASA, Unilever, Microsoft, BP, IBM, the Young Presidents’ Organization, and Yale University.

Sharma is also a dedicated philanthropist and has created The Robin Sharma Foundation for Children, a not for profit organization that helps children in need become leaders.

More information including Sharma’s popular blog, podcasts and media reviews appears at also view

Michael Neill

Michael Neill

Michael Neill is an internationally renowned success coach and the best-selling author of You Can Have What You Want, Feel Happy Now! and the “Effortless Success” audio program.

He has spent the past 18 years as a coach, adviser, friend, mentor and creative spark plug to celebrities, CEO’s, royalty, and people who want to get more out of their lives. His books have been translated into 8 languages, and his public talks and seminars have been well received at the United Nations and on five continents around the world.

“Michael’s authentic approach and insightful concepts demystify ‘conventional wisdom’ and have enabled me to look at success in a completely different way. You can feel his positive, common sense way of addressing life gently seeping into your consciousness as you read his words.” –Sacha Gervasi, screenwriter, ‘The Terminal’ and ‘How to Marry a Millionaire’

He hosts a weekly talk show on®, and his newest book, Supercoach: 10 Secrets to Transform Anyone’s Life was released by Hay House in March, 2009.

Ali Campbell

Ali Campbell

Ali Campbell is an internationally acclaimed life coach; he has built an enviable reputation as a highly motivational Coach, Presenter, Therapist and Personal Trainer. An advisor to celebrities, business leaders and politicians and even royalty around the world. Ali is widely featured in the media, on Television, Radio and in print. He is uniquely placed to assist you to reach your goals.

Steve Chandler

Steve Chandler

Drawing on Steve’s more than 20 years of working with professionals to dramatically improve their success, the “MindShift” he offers frees people from unnecessary pessimism and puts them back in touch with the source of their enthusiasm for work and life.

Although Steve Chandler graduated from the University of Arizona with a degree in Creative Writing and Political Science, and spent four years in the military studying language and psychological warfare; he credits his own life experiences with failure as the most valuable tools for helping others. Steve’s audiences are inspired by stories of his “low points” – it gives them hope, because they realize that they are not nearly as bad off as he was – they figure if Steve can transform his life, so can they!

Steve Chandler is now the author of 20 books that have been translated into over 20 languages. His personal success coaching, public speaking and business consulting have been used by CEOs, top professionals, major universities, and over 30 Fortune 500 companies. He has twice won the national Audio of the Year award from King Features Syndicate. A popular guest on TV and radio talk shows, Steve Chandler has recently been called “the most powerful public speaker in America today.”

Steve is also a master coach that has helped train hundreds of coaches to transform many lives and businesses.

Bill Cumming

Bill Cumming

Bill Cumming is known as the coach’s coach, having worked with many of the world’s top coaches and thought leaders over the past 34 years. He has also been a consultant, trainer and mentor to countless CEO’s, businesses, non-profits, school systems, and health care delivery organizations.

He is currently the Executive Director of The Boothby Institute. Bill founded and for over ten years was President of The Center for Access to the Power Within. He co-founded a Ford Foundation Project which became a pilot for Upward Bound. He created Inspired Teaching and Inspired Leadership programs and has worked tirelessly for transformation in education and prisons.

His most renowned program, “What One Person Can Do” is recognized as a template for directly experiencing the power within and has deeply changed the lives of thousands. Find Bill at

In 1964, he helped found a Ford Foundation Project, which became a pilot for Upward Bound. He spent thirteen years as an adjunct member of the faculty in the College of Education at the University of Maine, helping found the University’s Aspirations Four School Project. He is a key partner in the New Horizons Academy and developed Trustee Effectiveness Training – a series of workshops that allows individuals and Boards to understand their roles in for-profit, public and non-profit organizations – for what is now Key Bank nationally.

He was a founding trustee of the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center, elected twice to the Maine School Union #47 Board of Directors and served as its Chair for three years. His work has included the development, management and support of programs in economically distressed areas of Houston, Cleveland, Grand Rapids and Newark.

Bill is the creator of “Motivation, What Works,” “Power Within” and “What One Person Can Do,” “Inspired Teaching” and “Inspired Leadership” courses, all of which encourage loving-kindness, ownership, responsibility and teamwork. These programs have been delivered in hundreds of school systems, Job Corps programs, non-profit organizations and the Maine State Prison System as part of the New Horizons Academy. He is known for his ability to work and be with people in such a way that they are honored, acknowledged and valued as human beings; he attempts to ask the most important questions no matter how difficult they may seem.

Bill is a thirty year coaching veteran. He has been a coach, consultant and trainer to CEOs and the executive teams of health care delivery organizations, businesses, school systems and non-profit organizations ranging in size from three-quarters of a billion dollars to start ups. He is also a coach’s coach to some of the most successful people in the field. His work focuses on creating inspired environments where individuals take responsibility for their lives and the organizations for which they work. He is Director of The Boothby Institute.

Mandy Evans

Mandy Evans

Speaker, writer, coach and seminar leader, Mandy Evans has taught hundreds of thousands of people how to be happier and more creative by freeing themselves from limiting, self-defeating beliefs.

She is the director of Option Learning Experiences, founder of Yes You Can Press, and the originator of the BREAKOUT Seminar.

Each of her books, “Travelling Free: How to Recover from the Past by Changing Your Beliefs” and “Emotional Options” are written as a workshop-in-a-book so that everyone can clear the beliefs they hold that block happiness, success, and recovery.

Since earning a Group Counselor certificate at New York’s training institute, GROW in 1972 she has taught courses across the country and in Europe. She teaches teleseminars, is a popular radio and TV guest and works with coaching students from around the world.

Recently Mandy conducted a training for Joe Vitale’s Miracle Coaches in Austin,Texas; spoke for the Alcohol Awareness program at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, CA and shared how to “Accept Miracles” at “Attracting Miracles” seminar in San Diego.

Mandy lives in Cathedral City, CA. (That’s next to Palm Springs)

Dr. Robert Holden

Robert Holden

Robert founded The Happiness Project in 1995. The signature event of this project is an eight week happiness course that was famously tested by independent scientists for a 40-minute BBC science documentary called How to be Happy. The scientists described the program as a “genuine fast-track to happiness.” Professor Davidson, of Wisconsin-Madison University, stated: “This happiness training not only changes the way you feel; it actually changes the way your brain functions.” For more information about this unique course visit For course dates visit Events Diary.

Each year Robert and the Happiness Project team of presenters, which include Ben Renshaw and Avril Carson, present an annual program of talks and seminars to the public and professionals. For information on forthcoming public events visit the Events Diary. Previous speaking engagements at conferences include European Mental Health Conference, the Royal College of Nursing, Association of Business Psychologists, and the Royal Marsden Hospital.

Robert and his team also present a 5-day certified training program called Coaching Happiness. This very popular program is designed for people who want to dive deeper into the theories, principles, and practices of the work of The Happiness Project. It attracts coaches, counsellors, psychologists, teachers, health-carers, and therapists who want to further their own training. This program also offers support to you if you want to run your own happiness course.

Jen Louden

Jen Louden

Jennifer Louden is the best-selling author of The Woman’s Comfort Book, The Couple’s Comfort Book, The Pregnant Woman’s Comfort Book, The Woman’s Retreat Book, and Comfort Secrets for Busy Women. She is both a personal coach and social commentator, who has taken the concept of “comfort” and self-care, and made these essential concepts irresistible and essential to women around the world. Jennifer is a cultural visionary, harnessing her extraordinary ability to recognize women’s comfort as both a fundamental need and an innate desire.

As women’s roles and voices have evolved, so has Jennifer’s mission, transforming from a well-read self-help author to a cultural leader and life guide, inspiring women to develop their own recipe for emotional, physical, spiritual and work-life balance. With Jennifer’s prompting, women are encouraged to find their personal truths, to explore and unearth their purposes in life, purposes that resonate most authentically with their innate wisdom, creating the truest comfort of all.

Jennifer’s books have been translated into nine languages and have been bestsellers in both Germany and the U.S, reaching hundreds of thousands of women. Jennifer has taught her lively workshops and delivered her humorous and motivational keynotes across the U.S., Canada, and Europe at hospitals, women’s health centers, corporations, and universities. She has created and led innovative women’s retreats since 1992, from the Omega retreat center to the wilds of Canada to corporate retreats. She is also a certified coach, and graduated from Newfield Network’s program.

Jennifer has been featured in major publications and regularly shares her voice with an enthusiastic national audience. Her media appearances have included the Oprah Show, Later Today, as well as MS-NBC, CNN, and Fit TV. Articles about her work have appeared in Glamour, Shape, People, Redbook, Good Housekeeping, Self, New Woman, Ladies Home Journal, Yoga Journal, Health, InStyle, and Parents, as well as many local papers.

Jennifer’s name has become synonymous with comfort and the multi-minding woman. Recognizing the genuineness of Jennifer’s vision and the depth at which people have bonded with her message, major forward-thinking companies – from Proctor & Gamble to Martha Stewart’s Omnimedia – have seen the value of utilizing Jennifer as spokesperson, editor, or purveyor of truth, and always as an embodiment of authenticity.

Jennifer lives on an island in Puget Sound with her husband, cinematographer Christopher Mosio, and their daughter, Lillian.

Dr. Greg Baer

Dr. Greg Baer

Dr. Baer has delivered the keynote address or conducted a workshop at more than 300 events all over the world in the past several years. He has also spoken individually and in small groups to thousands of employees, middle- and upper-level management, and CEOs. His personal familiarity with the human resource problems in management is extensive.

Dr. Baer has appeared on over 1500 radio and television programs from coast to coast and is universally recognized as an engaging and entertaining media presence, as typified by the following review: “You’ll want to listen to this program in a doorway—it’s like an earthquake! He rocked my foundation! Greg Baer really does have the answers you’re looking for in life.” (Tony Trupiano, Talk America)

Greg has spoken on hundreds of radio and television shows and spoken at seminars and other events across the country. Thousands of people have found genuine happiness as they’ve learned how to feel unconditionally loved and to share that love with those around them. He’s written 16 books, CDs, and DVDs. Greg’s unique views and powerful solutions have brought a humorous yet life-changing perspective to many.

Laura Berman Fortgang

Laura Berman Fortgang

Laura Berman Fortgang is internationally recognized as a pioneer in the personal coaching field and is known for her no-nonsense, entertaining writing and speaking style. She is the best-selling author ofNow What? 90 Days to a New Life Direction, Living Your Best Life, and Take Yourself to the Top. Laura was one of the first personal coaches to be featured on national television as well as in international print and digital media.

Her appearances on Oprah, The CBS Early Show, NBC’s Weekend Today, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN and many others, combined with print media such as USA Today, Fast Company, MONEY and many national and international newspapers have paved the way for most of the successful coaches in the industry today.

Michael Bungay Stanier

Michael Bungay Stanier

Michael Bungay Stanier is the founder and Senior Partner of Box of Crayons. Michael was the 2006 Canadian Coach of the Year. He was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, and holds a Masters of Philosophy from Oxford, and law and arts degrees with highest honors from the Australian National University.

He created Get Unstuck & Get Going on the stuff that matters, a multi-award-winning coaching program and tool that’s being used in organizations around the world. Leading management thinker Peter Block says it has “a quiet political message in it that coaching is available to all of us and is not a profession but a way of being with each other.”

He also created The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun , The 5 3/4 Questions You’ve Been Avoiding, and The Great Work Movie, short internet movies that have been seen by well over a million people in at least 175 countries around the world.

Michael’s latest book is Do More Great Work (Workman Press, 2010) a revised and expanded version of Find Your Great Work (Box of Crayons Press, 2009).

Michael is a popular speaker at business and coaching conferences. Recently he has spoken at the SHRM, the OD Network, and the International Coaching Federation conferences. Prior to founding Box of Crayons, Michael held senior positions in the corporate, consultancy and agency worlds in the UK, the United States and Canada.

Gay Hendricks

Gay Hendricks

Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., is the author and co-author of twenty-five books in conscious relationship, conscious business and bodymind transformation. Included are such enduring bestsellers as CONSCIOUS LOVING, THE CORPORATE MYSTIC, CONSCIOUS BREATHING and CONSCIOUS LIVING. Before founding his own institute, he was Professor of Counseling for twenty-one years at the University of Colorado, where he began teaching in 1974 shortly after receiving his doctorate from Stanford University. Over the past 24 years of their relationship, he and Kathlyn have raised two children, accumulated a million frequent flyer miles and appeared on more than 500 radio and television programs.

Kevin Laye Kevin Laye

Kevin Laye has a varied and diverse background from being a former member of the ‘Special forces’ and European Karate Champion currently ranked as a 6th Dan Black Belt by the W.B.F.O.M.A. Kevin has also worked in the Middle East for the Ministry of Defence and Aviation and designed and managed Gymnasiums from 500 member clubs to a 1.2 Billion dollar sports complex in Saudi Arabia.

In corporate life Kevin rose very quickly from being a top salesman to being a Sales Director of a multi million pound company. Seeking change again Kevin has settled on his passion of helping people overcome a multitude of issues as a highly successful Harley St Therapist dealing with athletes, pop stars, actors and a host of celebrities along with anyone else who seeks what he can offer in his clinic.

He is a qualified trainer of Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Thought Field Therapy having been trained in the main by the originators of each discipline wherever possible. Using a cocktail of techniques including those mentioned and more besides Kevin has developed a highly effective no-nonsense style of therapy focusing on speedy resolutions and effective outcomes rather than going through problems over and over again as in many more traditional forms of therapy, that’s why it is called ‘Progress – Therapy.

Paul McKenna Paul McKenna

Paul McKenna is the world’s best hypnotist and an expert in the power of the human mind. With over 3 million books in print, he’s also the UK’s most successful non-fiction author, including bestselling titles such as “I Can Make You Thin”, “I Can Make You Rich” and “Change Your Life in 7 Days”. Over 50,000 people have trained in hypnosis and NLP through Paul McKenna Training. He is regularly watched on television by hundreds of millions of people in 42 countries. His famous clients include Russell Brand, Robbie Williams, Geri Halliwell, Sophie Dahl, David Walliams, Daryl Hannah, and Ronan Keating. Paul now lives in LA and has launched his major new TV series “I Can Make You Thin” on cable’s TLC.

George Pransky George Pransky

George Pransky is an innovative psychologist who lives and practices in LaConner, Washington, north of Seattle. In addition to providing counseling to individuals, couples and families, Pransky and his team of associates also provide consulting programs for businesses and organizations, executive coaching, mediation, and professional training.

Influenced by the philosopher and author Sydney Banks, Pransky’s methods are based on the premise that the human mind is innately healthy and it is but our thoughts that lead us astray. He is the author of such books as “The Relationship Handbook“, “The Renaissance of Psychology” and “Divorce is Not the Answer.”

Lynn Robinson Lynn Robinson

Lynn Robinson, M.Ed., is one of the nation’s leading experts on the topic of intuition. She’s a popular and widely recognized author and motivational speaker who works with businesses and individuals as an intuition consultant, offering insights into goals, decisions and strategies, and teaching the use of intuitive skills for assessment of information.

She has authored five books on the topic of intuition, including “Divine Intuition: Your Guide to Creating a Life You Love” (DK Books, 2001, which became a featured selection of One Spirit Book Club. named it a “Best of 2001″ and ranked it among the top ten books of the year in the “Spirituality” category. She’s also the author of “Trust Your Gut: How the Power of Intuition Can Grow Your Business” (Kaplan 2006), “Real Prosperity” (Andrews McMeel, 2004) and “Compass of the Soul: 52 Ways Intuition Can Guide You to the Life of Your Dreams” (Andrews McMeel, April 2003.) Her books have been translated into over a dozen languages.

Lynn has been featured in the Boston Globe, USA Today, and the Chicago Tribune and has been a guest on many national radio and television programs including ABC, Fox News and the Wisdom Television Network. She’s also been quoted in such publications as The New York Times, Investor’s Business Daily, Woman’s Day, Redbook, Glamour, Self, Good Housekeeping, Woman’s World, More, and First for Women. She often works directly with corporations on projects that include mergers, acquisitions, new business, marketing, key hires, and occasionally on a new product launch, such as the introduction of the Schick(R) Intuition(R) razor.

Lynn teaches that intuition is a ready source of direction available to all of us; an invisible intelligence that animates our world and helps guide our lives. When we follow its wisdom, we are led to success, happiness, peace and joy. She believes we all have the ability to access this power and develop it for practical use in everyday life as well as for discovering and achieving long-term goals.

Her speaking engagements have included The International Coach Federation, The National Speakers Association, The Cornerstone Foundation, Unity Churches, The International Association of Image Consultants, Women’s Vision Foundation, Omega Institute, Boston Learning Society, The Interface Foundation, The Society of Professional Consultants, Women’s Leadership and Technology Consortium, and Massachusetts Women in Technology.

Barbara Sher Barbara Sher

Barbara Sher is a business owner, career counselor, and best-selling author of seven books, each of which provides a down-to-earth, nuts-and-bolts method for uncovering natural talent, pinpointing goals and turning dreams into reality. She has often been named the “godmother of life coaching” by the media and her many fans. Barbara has presented seminars and workshops throughout the world to universities, professional organizations, Fortune 100 corporations, and federal and state government agencies. She has been called “a standup comic with a message” and “the best speaker we have ever seen,” in evaluations. Joining forces with public television, she has also created five hour-long special programs that continue to air in cities around the U.S.

Her first book Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want, (1979), has become a classic, selling over one million copies in more than a dozen translations. In addition to its popularity with readers, Wishcraft is used as the text for university classes all over the world and is a standard handbook for career counselors, coaches, social workers and teachers. In 2009 Wishcraft celebrates its 30th year in print with special events around the world.

Sher has received many awards and an honorary PhD; she has appeared on local and national radio and television shows, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, the Today Show, 60 Minutes and Good Morning America, and has had feature articles in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and many other newspapers and magazines. She was a Life Coach columnist for Real Simple Magazine. And Sher periodically teaches seminars at the Smithsonian Institute, Harvard University and New York University.

Iyanla Vanzant Iyanla Vanzant

Dr. Iyanla Vanzant’s story reads like an epic adventure filled with near misses, struggle, strength, courage and triumph. From her life’s experiences she has uncovered her life’s purpose, discovered the power that lies within and recovered her spiritual self and has emerged as a living testament to God’s Prevailing Peace, Power and Presence.

In 1990 with seemingly little notice, Vanzant’s path to working with man’s law transformed and suddenly made way to a divine appointment with Spiritual Law. This union gave birth to her work of service to the Universe and manifested in the form of workshops, lectures, television appearance, and best-selling books, wherein Iyanla Vanzant shared Spiritual Law and Principles.

With a clear mission, Iyanla Vanzant and her beloved daughter, Gemmia, founded Inner Visions. First offering small classes focused on transforming difficult experiences into empowering lessons of victory, Inner Visions has blossomed into a multi-faceted training program that offers certification in Mastery of Life Skills, Life Coaching and Ministerial Ordination.

Rev. Dr. Vanzant has received numerous awards and accolades for the power and impact of her work. She is hailed as one of Halle Berry’s five “Sheros” (Glamour Magazine 2006); one of the country’s most influential African Americans (Ebony Magazine 2004); among the country’s most 100 Influential Women (Women’s Day Magazine 2003); and one of the “most dynamic speakers in the United States” (Emerge Magazine 2000). She is a woman of passion, clear vision and purpose.

Dr. Iyanla Vanzant travels globally and appears on the NBC Daytime Drama, Starting Over (2004-2006), passionately delivering her special brand of self-empowerment and inspiration to others. As Founder and Director of Inner Visions Institute of Spiritual Development, Iyanla Vanzant shares her knowledge of Universal Principle and Law, Eastern and Western spiritual/religious traditions/teachings, and the truth of Unconditional Love to motivate others to create a better life, a better community and a better world.

Elese Coit Elese Coit

A former graduate lecturer at Westminster University, London, Elese Coit spent 10 years in senior corporate management in global Fortune 500 companies. Elese attended Cranfield School of Management and was Head of Project and Program Management for British Telecom. With an additional 9 years as an interpreter in the European Parliament to draw from, Elese came quickly to coach, manage and mentor talented individuals to create personal success in some of the most technically challenging and highly charged environments imaginable.

Today, Elese is a Certified Integrative Life Coach and an International Radio Show Host. She is a graduate of the School for the Work, a Certified Convener of ‘What One Person Can Do’, and further trained as an apprentice to Michael Neill. To work with Elese is to plug back into your own inner resources and innate capacities to create personal success and to handle anything, even life’s impossible demands, with ease and fearlessness.

Elese also brings a message of strength to thousands via her popular radio show. “A New Way to Handle Absolutely Everything” attracting some of the world’s finest teachers, best-selling authors and the glitterati of the self-development world as guests. A New Way airs live on KRWM Seattle, over satellite, mobile and the Internet, (including iTunes podcasts) on Contact Talk twice a week, Fridays at 10 am and Wednesdays at 1 pm, Pacific Time

More on her personal coaching and group classes on

More about Elese and her radio show A New Way to Handle Absolutely Everything

Steve Crabb Steve Crabb

After an amazing personal transformation using hypnosis and NLP, Steve sold his business interests and concentrated on learning the skills from those regarded as being the best in the world. Fascinated by the work of Dr Richard Bandler (co-creator of NLP) and Milton H Erickson (hypnotist), he has studied the work of both men extensively. He has also studied internationally with a wide variety of schools and individuals including Stonebridge College, National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, Institute of Canadian Hypnotherapists, Robbins Research, McKenna Breen, Paul McKenna Training, the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, Deepak Chopra, Robert Dilts, John LaValle (President of the Society of NLP), Ormond McGill, Stephen Gilligan, Frank Farrelly, Dr Roger Callaghan, Robert Holden, Michael Neill and Valerie Austin Training.

As Head Assistant for Paul McKenna, Steve has the privilege to work with, train and mentor some of the UK’s most gifted coaches and therapists. He believes in lifelong learning and is constantly researching what others have discovered in order to test it and then implement it in his own practice.

Rich Litvin Rich Litvin

Rich is an expert on deep, lasting, Natural Confidence. He has worked with hundreds of people to help them move past self-doubt, fear and insecurity (and those voices in their head that hold them back).

He has clients on three continents who achieve inspirational results, create passionate relationships and build wealth doing what they love. It’s no wonder that they’re successful…

Rich established his reputation for helping people develop confidence by running over 500 of his signature “Instant Confidence” sessions with people in over 20 countries. He now chooses to work with no more than 5 personal one-on-one clients a year to help them build truly deep, lasting, natural confidence.

Currently researching and writing his book, Rich has interviewed almost 60 amazing people – from multi-millionaire best-selling authors, guests on Oprah and world-renowned entrepreneurs, to people you’ve probably never heard of – like the modern-day James Bond, paid to break into banks to test their security, who said he knew he was confident the 1st time he stole a BILLION dollars!

Rich first left England at the age of 17 and hasn’t looked back. He traveled across India alone at 19, lived in rural Africa for two years and in South East Asia for over 5 years. He taught children who lived in mud huts and also the son of the world’s wealthiest man.

Now based in Los Angeles, he still gets nervous every time he walks into a party…